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A little over a week ago, Alex and I rescued two little kittens that had been dropped along route 7. We absolutely had no plans of getting another cat when we met my family at the boat docks; however, after we parked a little kitten about 12 weeks old - who we’ll call Codie – ran full speed to us meowing and purring. After picking her up, it was very obvious that this kitten wasn’t wild and that someone had abandoned it at the boat docks. After debating for awhile, Codie lead us to a light pole where another kitten – Ruby - was hiding and shaking with fear. It broke our hearts and we decided to take both kittens to the vet, and we ended up keeping little Ruby, while a friend of ours took Codie.

A friend of ours made the comment that we were “heroes,” which I laughed at a little, until I realized how true it was. We really were heroes to Codie and Ruby that day. If we had not been there, they may have been hit by a car or starved. It may seem really silly, and I know that some people reading this aren’t “cat people,” but the Lord really spoke to me through those two scared, abandoned kittens. In life, we all have problems and we all have stress, but as believers the Lord calls on us to rely solely on Him for our “rescue.” As cheesy as it may seem, God really is our Hero, and he wants us to realize that. When we have problems or stress in life, we can react two ways. We can be like Codie and run to our Hero, or we can be like Ruby and hide, because we’re afraid. Those of you reading this post, do you realize how desperately the Lord wants you to run to Him, to recognize He’s your hero so He can rescue you? He delights in you, and in helping you – if only we are brave enough to run to him with everything we’ve got.


Teen Leader

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