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Be Strong

Our bedtime song of choice for our kiddos has always been “Jesus Loves Me.” Caleb and I now sing it together every night and we have been singing it to Adalyn until she just recently started participating in the singing. Michael discovered that if he paused, she would fill in some of the words. She does a pretty good job, but I noticed the other evening that our song went like this:

Jesus love me, this I ___________ “strong”

For the Bible tells me __________ “strong”

Little ones to Him ____________ “strong”

They are weak, but He is ____________ “strong”

Yes, Jesus loves ___________ “me”

Yes, Jesus loves ___________ “me”

Yes, Jesus loves ___________ “me”

The Bible tells me ____________ “strong”

Each time she said “strong” she raised her arms into a muscle pose. I was thinking she was very cute, then I realized she was on to something. Being strong because of the love of Jesus is BIG time stuff. We cannot be strong in this world without Jesus.

I know there are times when all Christians feel very weak and vulnerable. Temptations come and we give in and tragedies come when we aren’t expecting or prepared.

If we focus on our own strength we will fail ourselves. But if we focus on the strength we have in Jesus we let Him help us overcome temptation and let Him carry us through tragedies.

He gives power to the weakand strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles.They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

–Isaiah 40:29-31

I heard a quote once that went something like this:

“Don’t be pleased by YOU holding it together.

Be pleased by JESUS HOLDING YOU together.”


BBYM Teen Leader

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