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Thoughts from Camp

Last week was the second BBYM Summer Camp, and we had a great time with a pretty awesome group of students! We played some fun games, spent time around the lake, ate good food, and had yummy desserts provided by some ladies from our church. It is really easy to relish in the fun times, late night stories and chatting that kept us awake into the middle of the night, or the trips you made around the dining room for putting your elbows on the table. Those lifelong memories are important, but they will fade! Instead, during this normal summer week after a great camp, I want to challenge you (challenge me) to remember where you saw God. I watched God meet with the many members of our group at different times and in different ways. Those moments with God are what will keep that camp feeling from fading away. He doesn't just meet with us in Rio Grande, Ohio at Camp Francis Asbury. He wants to and will meet with you in your home, car, or wherever you find yourself today. Remember the things He has done for you, and invite Him to work in and through you now!


Teen Leader

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