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The Tomb is Empty!

Easter is here! Which means spending time with family and friends and rejoicing together in the fact that there is an empty tomb. Christ is alive and reigning and we can rest assured that He is sufficient enough for us. Easter is a day of great news! So take time among visiting with your family and praise God for the empty tomb! And know that the good news of Christ doesn’t end with Easter, it never ends! Everyday that comes and goes is a day with an empty tomb and Christ reigning!

The other day I was watching the Today Show before I headed to class and there was a segment entitled “Who is God Today?” Already knowing the answer to that question I was interested to hear what the mainstream media thought of such a question. As expected the segment was riddled with a social agenda of “acceptance” meaning that religion has changed over the years to be more inclusive of different ideas. Shocked, I said out loud, “No! This is not the truth. True Christianity has not changed. Our God is the same today as He was yesterday and He will forever be the same!” There is only one truth and that truth is in Christ Jesus! You cannot change the Gospel to fit “different ideas or beliefs” it is all lined out in our life manual, the Bible. The Bible lines out the solution to every issue we experience. The answer is Christ! To be found in Christ, means that sin has no hold on you! What amazing news! Happy Easter to all! The tomb is empty!


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