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"What's That Mean?"

Our 3 year old Caleb is FULL of questions these days and the most popular thing out of his mouth seems to be, "What's that mean?" We will answer his quesiton only to get another "What's that mean" about our response. Over and over, that dialouge consumes most of our evenings. He is so full of curiosity and like a blank slate just waiting to learn more and more.

Have you lost your curiosity or desire to learn about God's Word? Imagine if we were like children, always wanting to understand and soak up more information. Are you complacent and satisified with what you know, or are you curious to know and understand more?

What a stronger foundation we would have if we dove into God's word with the curiosity of a 3 year old! Caleb is not satisfied with what he knows. He is on a mission to learn all about anything and eveything he can.

The Bible is packed full of things God wants his children to know and learn from.

Let's get curious!


Teen Leader

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