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Do What God Tells Ya

Many believers and non-believers know the story of Jonah simply because he lived inside a sea creature’s belly, and many know that Jonah was a prophet. Even after reading his story many times in school, church, and devotions I still ask the question why? Why did Jonah, having direct communication with God, want to disobey God and head to Tarsush? I mean Jonah literally heard the voice of God!

I don’t know about you, but if I heard the voice of God I, first, would be scared. Second, I think I would do what he told me. But how many times do we hear God’s voice, and not listen?

Many of you saw Steph and me bring someone new to Big Branch. Nicole is a classmate of mine, and for the past several weeks God has been telling me to invite her and my friend Rob to church. My sinful nature kept telling me to wait until the appropriate time when I finally I decided to ask.

Unfortunately Rob was out of town, but Nicole, to my surprise she said yes to my invitation. Word of advice listen to what God has to say, and never under-estimate what he can do. In fact, she is going to come again and hopefully Rob will too!


Teen Leader / "Game Guy"

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